Saturday, June 6, 2015

The DIVAS on Everyday KARMA.

As The Undercover Divas, we really enjoy what we do, the Exploring, Experiencing and Posting. But in daily life, we know that people are aware of how all of us are treating each other. People react to what we put out in the world. It is important to make our collective words sweet, as we may have to eat them later. Yes, we all will be treated unfairly now and then, but remember that there is a cause and effect to every action. We don't always see the results of a good deed, or bad deed, but there will be a reaction down the road.

KARMAis the law of cause and effect. It is the law of action and reaction, which controls the destiny of all living things. (Just take a look at the stars and planets in the universe, you can see how cause and effect, action and reaction, keeps it all in perfect order.) Any action produces an equal and opposite reaction, which influences everything we do. There is no such thing as an accident or coincidence. It is important to be responsible for our actions, and if we are not satisfied with the outcome, then make changes accordingly.

The principle of Karma is that for the good actions one performs, one receives good reactions; and if one inflicts pain or violence on others, one will suffer equal violence either in this life or the next. Everything that we are today is the sum total result of all our activities up to this moment. If we wish our lives to be different in the future, we have to change our activities in the present. Everything we receive in the future is a result of what we do now. Be the best you can be, take care of each other, act responsibly, and good karma will come your way.

When someone tries to steal your joy, don't let it happen! By holding on to unnecessary grudges, you are doing yourself a disservice. Most people insist upon holding on to grudges and dwelling on how they will make someone pay for the pain they have caused. In life, we cannot control the cards we are dealt. We have to live within our situation, move past the negative people trying to drag us down, and get to a better place in our lives where we can continue to be productive individuals. 

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Smile, and treat others the way you would like to be treated. Give your friends and family members the benefit of the doubt, and they will do the same for you someday. Don't put negative energy out in the universe. Be the best you can be, as often as you can, and make a habit of doing it daily. You will be pleasantly surprised at the positive reactions you will have. Never forget that Karma will happen, andthe best revenge is to do well.

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